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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Drainage system HAURATON

Hauraton drainage channels are used for disposal waters from private house areas, stadiums, city squares, airports etc. One of the features of the Hauraton drainage channels is boltless locking system SIDE-LOCK which saves up to 90% of the time when installing the drainage channels.

Product Catalog

Hauraton drainage systems for civil engineering are made of high-quality and high-strength concrete, as well as high-quality steel and cast iron which are used for gratings of drainage channels. Hauraton drainage channels have high strength characteristics and attractive design.

Hauraton drainage systems for landscaping is characterized by resistance to corrosion, so that the channels are durable. They are easy to install, and they have high resistance to loads. Also the channels have attractive design. The channels comply with the highest quality requirements and they are tested by third-party laboratories.

The Hauraton company produces special kind of products - drainage channels for installation in stadiums and sports complexes. Products of this type are characterized by special design, so that the athletes do not get injury during training or sports tournaments. The channels are made of recycled plastic.

Separators for the treatment of Hauraton exhaust waters are distinguished by their compact design and meet European requirements. A warning system can be integrated into the cleaning system.

Hauraton drainage systems began to be produced by more in 1956 - it was then the first channels for agriculture were manufactured. Gradually the range of products is added other elements of drainage systems. Thus, the company starts to produce concrete cornice blocks for protection of buildings from adverse weather conditions.

In the 70's Hauraton drainage equipment starts exported to West European countries. The company introduces innovations in its products - one of these innovations was the addition of metal full edge protection. It increases service life, stable and durable of the channels.

Over time drainage products of Hauraton company are changed, improved and updated. Now the company offers a wide range of products which are used for water disposal to the stadiums, sports grounds, from the yards of private homes, airports, commercial and public areas etc.

Over the past time, the company has opened offices in many countries, including the states of South America, but the head office still remains in Germany.

The advantages of Hauraton drainage channels

One of the main advantage of Hauraton drainage channels is their highest quality.

The Hauraton company became one of the first manufacturers to have received the quality certificate DIN EN ISO 9001 - certification was obtained in 1993, and than quality standards are verified and confirmed regularly.

In addition, FASERFIX SUPER and FASERFIX BIG channels comply with DIN EN 1433: 2003-04 and DIN V 19580: 2003-04.

Also Hauraton channels are characterized by:

  • Low weight;
  • High reliability;
  • Resistant to UV light and adverse effects of the environment;
  • Resistance to permanent high loads;
  • Durability;
  • Intelligent design etc.

Boltless locking system SIDE-LOCK

Hauraton company has developed more than one innovative solution, and one of the company's development is boltless locking system SIDE-LOCK. This type of fastening has been specially created to save time during installation of drainage channels, as the locking system does not require the use of any tools - a grating is placed on the channel and is latched by pressing on it. The connection is absolutely safe and secure. When servicing the channel grating can be unscrewed with pair of screwdrivers.

Thus, locking system SIDE-LOCK saves up to 90% of the time during installation and maintenance of the drainage channels.

Catalog of Hauraton products

Our catalog contains the entire range of Hauraton drainage equipment. Prices on Hauraton products are listed in the catalog, and if price do not designate, you should ascertain its from our managers. You can order of Hauraton drainage equipment in few clicks.