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HL plumbing equipments

The Hutterer & Lechner Company manufactures roof outlets, drains, anti-flood valves, traps, sealing kits and other plumbing equipments which are used for the installation of drainage systems.

A more complete description is at the bottom of the page.

Product Catalog

The HL traps are designed for various equipment and they withstand of wastewater with high temperature (up to + 95 °C). One of the hallmarks of HL traps is their special design, so that they are not clogged. Also the models HL traps can have ball-joint outlet, which simplifies the process of their installation under baths and shower trays.

The HL drains are used for disposal of wastewater into the sewerage system and they install in the buildings or in the open air. HL drains can withstand load from 150 kg to 15 tonnes, and they are connected to pipes with the diameters ranging from 40 to 160 mm. The majority of models are equipped with a round or square cover.

HL roof outlets implement the most convenient drainage of rainwater from any roof. They are characterized by high capacity which can reach 14 l/s (due to a special design).

Anti-flood valves are divided into mechanical and electrical. Also the Hutterer & Lechner Company produces non-return valves which do not allow underflooding.

If access to the roof is impossible or impeded, you will should use the HL air admittance valves - they increase capacity of non-ventilated sewerage risers.

HL rain water hoppers are used for removing precipitation from the storm water drainage system into the major stormwater drain. Capacity can reach 6.67 l/s.

Pan connectors are used for easy connection of toilets to the sewerage systems. The HL Company produces various models the pan connectors and connector kits for fast and easy connecting any kind of toilet to sewage system.

Spare parts, waterproofing membranes, adapters, mounting elements - it is additional products which can be required for HL plumbing equipments.

The Hutterer & Lechner company was established in Austria and it has been producing high-quality plumbing equipments for almost 70 years. Prior to the introduction of polymers into the production, rainwater products were made of lead, and now the main materials of production are polymers, stainless steel and cast iron.

The enterprise owns huge industrial areas on which there are molding and tool shops, pilot production and laboratories in which all products are tested.

Today the company produces the widest assortment of HL drain and sewage equipments - more than 720 types!

In addition, in 2016 in the city of Zhukovsky the company LLC HL-RUS was opened, and this company produces equipment under the brand Hutterer & Lechner in Russia.


All stages of production are carefully controlled. The quality is confirmed by the following facts:

  • All the equipment corresponds to ISO 9001;
  • Production does not use toxic materials;
  • Latest technical developments are applied;
  • Products are tested in laboratories at all stages of production.

Product range

All HL drainage and sewerage equipments are divided into several types:

  • Traps which are used to prevent the appearance of harmful gases in bathrooms, shower rooms and various equipments;
  • Drains which are used to divert waste water into the drainage system and installed in basements, balconies, yards etc;
  • Rain water hoppers which are installed in yards to drain rain and melted water into the storm sewage system;
  • Roof outlets which are designed to drain rainwater from any roof and suitable for gravity, vacuum and emergency rainwares;
  • Anti-flood valves which are used to prevent flooding of premises;
  • Air admittance valves for increasing the capacity of non-ventilated sewer risers;
  • Pan connectors which are used for connecting the toilet bowls to drainage systems;
  • Sealing kits that prevent the penetration of moisture through the walls in the basement.

In addition, other HL sewer equipments are available, for example, rodding eye, socket connectors from PP/PVC to cast iron, fire collars etc.

More detailed information you can find in our HL product catalog which is divided into 8 sections by type of equipment.

How to buy?

The company "Inrusstrade" is the official dealer of the Hutterer & Lechner products which guarantees if you buy the HL sewerage equipment from us, you will be fully insured against the acquisition of counterfeit counterfeits.

To view the prices and assortment see our price Hutterer Lechner which is located on the Price and certificate page or catalog of products which is divided by product type.