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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Rain water hoppers

Rain water hoppers are used in storm water drainage system - the devices provide removal of precipitation in the major stormwater drain. HL rain water hoppers completely protect buildings from:

  • Destruction of basement;
  • Spill of "sea" in the home site even in case of heavy rainfall;
  • Wet of house facade;
  • Education on the territory adjacent to the house gullies;
  • Hit water in the basement.

A more complete description is at the bottom of the page.

Rain hoppers       (20 Products) Показать все
Hutterer & Lechner Adapter rings, d 75, 90, 100 and 110mm [Code number: HL 0600.1E]
1 409 rub
Hutterer & Lechner Cleaning eye for HL 600, 660/2 (80) (price on request) [Code number: HL 0600.3E]
3 417 rub
Hutterer & Lechner Leaf strainer for HL 660/2 (80) [Code number: HL 0600.2E]
2 562 rub

Mounting features of HL rain water hoppers

All rain water hoppers manufactured by the Hutterer & Lechner Сompany are mounted in the blind area of building under the place outlet pipe of storm water drainage system. Pipe of storm water drainage system is connected to HL rain water hopper after installation of storm water drain. Lower edge of pipe should be enter to the body rain water hopper approximately on 30-50 mm.

HL rain water hoppers are connected to pipes with diameters not greater than those listed for each rain water hoppers individually. Connection is made with a set of eccentric rings.

HL rain water hoppers are intended for installation with any socket pipes made of PP or PVC, including from manufacturers such as REHAU and WAVIN. If you want to connect rain water hopper with cast iron socketless SML pipe, you will use special adapters.

The Hutterer & Lechner Company additionally produces kit for electrical heating HL609 which you can use for additional heating of HL rain water hoppers.