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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


ONIKS cleaning equipment

Product Catalog

The ONIKS company produces various cleaning equipment, septic tanks, wells, storage tanks, cellars, bought, etc. All products are certified, corrosion-resistant and durable (service life of at least 50 years).

The ONIKS company has been operating in the market for the production of treatment facilities since 2009 and has since become a leading enterprise in its industry. The company's activities are aimed at developing new and improving old technologies for wastewater treatment.

Today the company produces:

  • containers for various purposes, for example, tanks for fuel, cold drinking water, chemically resistant containers, etc.;
  • sewage pumping stations;
  • installations for the treatment of household wastewater;
  • grease separators;
  • swimming pools;
  • cellars;
  • septic tanks;
  • wells;
  • ultraviolet disinfection units, etc.

All manufactured products have permits: passports, drawings, certificates, installation instructions.

The ONIKS company provides a warranty from 1 year to 5 years for products. The service life is at least 50 years.

Buy ONIKS cleaning equipment

Our company offers ONIKS products for sale at low prices! We can deliver equipment to any point in Russia - we deliver it in Moscow and the Moscow region using our own transport, and to other regions of the country through proven and reliable transport companies.