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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


HL floor drains for indoor use

The HL company produces floor drains for indoor use - they dispose effluents from the floor level. The HL floor drains have the following advantages:

  • They are equipped with additional devices such as strainers, "dry" siphons, additional outlets etc.;
  • Capacity of the floor drains can reach 2.3 l/s;
  • The floor drains weight small, and they withstand high loads - up to 1500 kg;
  • The HL company produces special kit for improving sound insulation of the HL floor drains with horizontal outlet;
  • Visible part of the HL floor drains have a pleasant design.

The company has started to produce new drains which are equipped with a Primus blue dry siphon. This patented siphon is an improved version of the Primus siphon - it combines a mechanical odor-recording device and a classic siphon, so it better protects the premises from the penetration of foreign odors than a 50 mm high water seal. The bodies of the new ladders are made of PP, the outlet pipe allows you to connect the ladder to a pipe with a diameter of 40/50 mm. The minimum mounting height is 69 mm. 

Photo Наименование Article Цена
Hutterer & Lechner Grate frame, incl. O-ring, 100х100 mm [Code number: HL 080.2ENWE]
HL 080.2ENWE 1 591 rub

Application area:

  • For floor drains


  • Material: PP
  • Dimension: d 110 mm
  • installation height: 92 mm
  • grate frame: 100x100 mm

Weight: 0,077 kg

Packaging data (PE-bag)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
95 110 110 0,083 0,001149500
Hutterer & Lechner Stand pipe insert for HL 80.2 [Code number: HL 080.7E]
HL 080.7E 1 750 rub

Application area:

  • For drains

Weight: 0,054 kg

It suitable for use with HL80.2, HL80.2H.

Packaging data (PE-bag)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
30 115 115 0,059 0,000396750
Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain with inlet DN40/50, cut-to-size grate frame 123x123mm/115x115mm, horizontal, DN50 [Code number: HL 300]
HL 300 6 251 rub

Floor drain HL 300 has horizontal outlet DN50. Weight of the floor drain is 935 grams.Capacity is 0.5 l/s, device can endure load up to 300 kg. The floor drain is equipped with a flange, trap seal with non-return valve, cut-to-size grate frame 12 - 70 mm, stainless steel grate 115 x 115 mm and lot cover.

Diameter Capacity Load Weight
DN, mm l/s kg gr
50 0,5 300 935
Material of spare parts
Grate Trap cartridge Extension Grate frame Body
stainless steel polypropylene polypropylene polypropylene polyethylen
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
155 225 295 1 0,010288125

Download data sheet: Floor drain HL 300

Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain HL300 with extension "Klik-Klak", horizontal [Code number: HL 300-3000]
HL 300-3000 10 051 rub

Floor drain HL 300-3000 is designed for installation inside buildings. It has horizontal outlet DN50. The drain has grate 115*115 mm - it is made of stainless steel. Size of grate frame is 123*123 mm. Capacity is 0,5 l/s. The drain can endure load up to 300 kg. Also the drain is equipped with a non-return valve. Operating temperature is +85°С. Height of extension can be adjust.

Diameter Capacity Load Weight
DN, mm l/s kg gr
50 0,5 300 935
Material of spare parts
Grate Non-return valve Extension Grate frame Body
stainless steel polypropylene polypropylene stainless steel polyethene
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
155 225 295 1 0,010288125
Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain with tilable extension 132x132mm / 112x112mm, horizontal, DN40/50 [Code number: HL 300-3020]
HL 300-3020 21 833 rub

Floor drain HL 300-3020 has horizontal outlet DN40/50. Weight of the floor drain is 850 grams.Capacity is 0.5 l/s, device can endure load up to 300 kg. The floor drain is equipped with a flange, sifon cartridge with backwater stop, tilable extension, stainless steel grate 112 x 112 mm and lot cover.

Diameter Capacity Load Weight
DN, mm l/s kg gr
40/50 0,5 300 850
Material of spare parts
Grate Trap cartridge Extension Grate frame Body
stainless steel polypropylene polypropylene stainless steel polyethylen
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
175 292 392 1,144 0,0200312

Download example of use: Floor drain HL 300-3020

Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain with cast iron grate frame 150x150mm/137x137mm, horizontal, DN40/50 [Code number: HL 300G]
HL 300G 11 549 rub

Floor drain HL 300G has horizontal outlet DN50. Weight of the floor drain is 2500 grams.Capacity is 0,5 l/s, device can endure load up to 1500 kg. The floor drain is equipped with a flange, trap seal with non-return valve, cut-to-size plastic extension 34 - 75 mm, cast iron grate frame 150 x 150 mm, grate 137 x 137 mm and lot cover.

Diameter DN, mm Capacity Load Weight
inlet outlet l/s kg gr
50/40 50 0,5 1500 2500
Material of spare parts
Grate Trap cartridge Extension Grate frame Body
cast iron polypropylene polypropylene cast iron polyethylen
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
155 225 295 2,69 0,010288125

Download data sheet: Floor drain HL 300G

Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain with inlet DN40/50, round d 131mm/112mm, horizontal, DN50 [Code number: HL 300R]
HL 300R 8 817 rub

Floor drain HL 300R has horizontal outlet DN50. Weight of the floor drain is 723 grams.Capacity is 0.5 l/s, device can endure load up to 300 kg. The floor drain is equipped with a flange, trap seal with non-return valve, cut-to-size plastic extension 20 - 75 mm, stainless steel frame round d 131 mm and stainless steel plate d 112 mm.

Диаметр, DN мм Capacity Load Weight
inlet outlet l/s kg gr
50/40 50 0,5 300 723
Material of spare parts
Grate Trap cartridge Extension Grate frame Body
stainless steel polypropylene polypropylene stainless steel polyethylen
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
155 225 295 0,91 0,010288125

Download data sheet: Floor drain HL 300R

Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain with 3 inlets DN40, cut-to-size grate frame, horizontal, DN50 [Code number: HL 304]
HL 304 6 251 rub

Floor drain HL 304 has horizontal outlet DN50 with 3 inlets DN40. Weight of the floor drain is 795 grams.Capacity is 0.5 l/s, device can endure load up to 300 kg. The floor drain is equipped with a flange, trap seal with non-return valve, cut-to-size grate frame 12 - 70 mm, stainless steel grate 115 x 115 mm and lot cover.

Diameter Capacity Load Weight
DN, mm l/s kg gr
50 0,5 300 795
Material of spare parts
Grate Trap cartridge Extension Grate frame Body
stainless steel polypropylene polypropylene polypropylene polyethylen
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
155 225 295 1 0,010288125

Download data sheet: Floor drain HL 304

Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain HL300 with extension "Klik-Klak" [Code number: HL 304-3000]
HL 304-3000 10 051 rub

Floor drain HL 304-3000 is designed for installation inside buildings. It has horizontal outlet DN50. The drain has grate 115*115 mm - it is made of stainless steel. Size of grate frame is 123*123 mm. Capacity is 0,5 l/s. The drain can endure load up to 300 kg. Also the drain is equipped with bitumen a non-return valve. Height of trap seal is 50 mm. Operating temperature is +85°С. With proper use the drain will serve at least 50 years.

Diameter Capacity Load Weight
DN, mm l/s kg gr
50 0,5 300 795
Material of spare parts
Grate Non-return valve Extension Grate frame Body
stainless steel polypropylene polypropylene stainless steel polyethene
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
155 225 295 1 0,010288125
Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain with 3 side inlets DN40 and extension with tilable frame, horizontal, DN50 [Code number: HL 304-3020]
HL 304-3020 18 370 rub

Application area:

  • For floor draining


  • Material: PE
  • Dimension: DN50
  • capacity: 0,5 l/sec
  • installation height: 155 mm
  • grate frame: 10 - 80 mm / 132 x 132 mm
  • grate: 112 x 112 mm
  • load class: D3 - 300 kg
  • inlet: 3 x DN40

Weight: 0,85 kg

Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
175 292 392 1,144 0,020031200
Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain with round plate, with non-return valve, DN50 [Code number: HL 304R]
HL 304R 8 819 rub
Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain with frame „Klick-Klack“, stainless steel grate, vertical, DN50/75/110 [Code number: HL 3100] (Russia)
HL 3100 11 292 rub

Floor drain HL 3100 has vertical outlet DN50/75/110. Its weight is 1040 grams.Capacity is 1,25 l/s for DN50 and 1,4 l/s for DN75/110. The floor drain is equipped with a grate 138x138 mm, 8-80 mm grating with frame 145x145 mm „Klick-Klack“, flange, siphon and lot cover. The floor drain can dispose effluents with temperature below 85 °C.

Diameter Capacity Load Weight
DN, mm DN50 DN75/110 kg gr
1,25 1,4 300 1040
Material of spare parts
Grate Trap cartridge Grating Grate frame Body
stainless steel polypropylene polypropylene stainless steel polyethylen
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
175 292 392 1,367 0,0200312

Download data sheet: Floor drain HL 3100

Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain with siphon PRIMUS, frame 145x145 mm Klick- Klack, vertical, DN 50/75/110 [Code number: HL 3100Pr] (Russia)
HL3100Pr 12 998 rub

Application purpose:

  • For draining from floor level
  • For indoor installation
  • For high flow showers


  • there is a dry siphon "Primus" (the height of the water seal is 50 mm);
  • equipped with a square stainless steel grate 138x138 mm in size);
  • the height of the extension element is adjustable from 8 to 80 mm - it is cut at the height of the screed;
  • release type: vertical;
  • possible installation with a socket pipe, as well as with PE pipes by butt welding;
  • increased throughput;
  • installation of waterproofing is possible;
  • the temperature of the drains should not exceed +85°C (it is possible to increase up to +100°C for a short period of time - no more than 200 liters);
  • when the temperature of the drains rises to + 100 ° C, it reduces the permissible load on the ladder - up to 150 kg;
  • corresponds to GOST 23289-94;
  • warranty period: 1 year;
  • service life: 50 years.

Produced in Russia.

Mounting example

Technical characteristics

Diameter Capacity Load Weight
DN, mm l/s kg gr
0,8 300 1079
Material of spare parts
Grate Trap cartridge Grating Grate frame Body
stainless steel polypropylene polypropylene stainless steel polyethylen
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
175 292 392 1,406 0,0200312


Download example of use: Floor drain HL 3100Pr

Hutterer Lechner Floor drain, DN - 50/75/110, with Prmus blue-trap, with bitumen membrane d - 420 mm, vertical [Code number: HL 310HPrblue]
HL 310HPrblue 11 671 rub
Hutterer Lechner Floor drain, DN - 50/75/110, with Prmus blue-trap, with KLICK-CLACK grate, with bitumen membrane d - 420 mm, vertical [Code number: HL 310HPrblue-3000]
HL 310HPrblue-3000 18 342 rub
Hutterer Lechner Floor drain, DN - 50/75/110, with Prmus blue-trap, with extension element HL 3020, with bitumen membrane d - 420 mm, vertical [Code number: HL 310HPrblue-3020]
HL 310HPrblue-3020 23 910 rub
Hutterer Lechner Floor drain, DN - 50/75/110, with Prmus blue-trap, with grate HL 3120 (KLIK-KLAK), with bitumen membrane d - 420 mm, vertical [Code number: HL 310HPrblue-3120]
HL 310HPrblue-3120 39 620 rub
Hutterer Lechner Floor drain, DN - 50/75/110, with Prmus blue-trap, with grate HL 3121 (KLIK-KLAK), with bitumen membrane d - 420 mm, vertical [Code number: HL 310HPrblue-3121]
HL 310HPrblue-3121 39 620 rub
Hutterer Lechner Floor drain, DN - 50/75/110, with Prmus blue-trap, with grate HL 3123 (KLIK-KLAK), with bitumen membrane d - 420 mm, vertical [Code number: HL 310HPrblue-3123]
HL 310HPrblue-3123 39 620 rub
Hutterer Lechner Floor drain, DN - 50/75/110, with Prmus blue-trap, with grate HL 3124 (KLIK-KLAK), with bitumen membrane d - 420 mm, vertical [Code number: HL 310HPrblue-3124]
HL 310HPrblue-3124 39 620 rub

See also