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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Strengthen SML collars Pam Global

Grip collars are designed for the PAM-GLOBAL SML sewage by the SAINT-GOBAIN Group. They are used at risk of increasing internal pressure in pipeline. PAM-GLOBAL grip collars are fixed on top of the PAM standard design couplings, and it ensures reliable connection of parts SML sewage system while working in the pressure mode.

Grip collars are made of stainless steel, and collars are fitted with the special toothed elements.

PAM-GLOBAL grip collars is characterized by the internal operating level of line pressure (it depends on the nominal diameter), by compatibility with the PAM designed couplings and by quantity of tightening bolts.

Types of strengthen collars Pam Global:

Unigrip       (1 Product) Показать все
UNIGRIP-KRALLE grip collar for couplings
Universal       (1 Product) Показать все
UNIVERSAL-KRALLE grip collar for couplings
Grip Hp       (1 Product) Показать все
PAM-GLOBAL® GRIP-S-HP reinforcing element
Grip Inox Hp       (1 Product) Показать все
PAM-GLOBAL® GRIP-INOX-HP reinforcing element
Rekord       (1 Product) Показать все
REKORD-KRALLE grip collar for couplings