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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene Sinicon Thermoline

Cross-linked polyethylene pipes quickly gained popularity due to the favorable price-quality ratio.

Sinicon launched a new line of cross-linked polyethylene pipes for heating and water supply systems. Thermoline pipes are made of high density polyethylene with crosslinking by the silane method.

The minimum crosslinking of PE-X pipes can be 60%, 65% or 70%. The degree of crosslinking does not significantly affect the technical characteristics of the pipes.

Main advantages:

  • low hydraulic resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • not susceptible to corrosion and overgrowing;
  • the presence of temperature memory;
  • chemical and electrical inertness;
  • resistance to freezing water;
  • ease of installation.

Outside the pipes are covered with a layer of EVOH (ethylene vinyl alcohol), which prevents the diffusion of oxygen molecules into the pipe, which reduces the overgrowth of the bore and wear of heating equipment due to oxidative processes.

Pipes with diameters of 16 and 20 mm are available. The wall thickness is 2.0 mm. Pipes are supplied in bays.

Connection type: pressing.

Pipe РЕ-RT, Type II Pipe PE-RT, SDR8 Pipe PE-Xb EVOH, SDR 8 Pipe PE-Xb EVOH, SDR 7.4 Pipe PE-Xb EVOH, SDR 10 Pipe PERT, SDR10
Article Diameter Length, m Article Diameter Length, m Article Diameter Length, m Article Diameter Length, m Article Diameter Length, m Article Diameter Length, m
PRT162010EII 16*2.0 100 PT162010 16*2.0 100 PX162010 16*2.0 100 PX162210 16*2.0 100 PX202010 20*2.0 100 PT202010 20*2.0 100
PRT162020EII 16*2.0 200 PT162020 16*2.0 200 PX162020 16*2.0 200 PX162220 16*2.0 200 PX202020 20*2.0 200 PT202020 20*2.0 200
PRT162030EII 16*2.0 300 PX162030 16*2.0 300 PX162230 16*2.0 300
PRT162040EII 16*2.0 400 PT162040 16*2.0 400 PX162040 16*2.0 400 PX162240 16*2.0 400
Photo Наименование Article Цена
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR8/S3.5, d - 16*2.0, length 100m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX162010]
APX162010 83 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR8/S3.5, d - 16*2.0, length 200m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX162020]
APX162020 83 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR8/S3.5, d - 16*2.0, length 300m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX162030]
APX162030 83 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR8/S3.5, d - 16*2.0, length 400m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX162040]
APX162040 83 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 16*2.2, length 100m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX162210]
APX162210 87 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 16*2.2, length 200m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX162220]
APX162220 87 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 16*2.2, length 300m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX162230]
APX162230 87 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR10/S4.5, d - 20*2.0, length 100m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX202010]
APX202010 133 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR10/S4.5, d - 20*2.0, length 200m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX202020]
APX202020 133 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 20*2.8, length 100m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX202810]
APX202810 135 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 20*2.8, length 200m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX202820]
APX202820 135 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 25*3.5, length 50m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX253505]
APX253505 218 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 25*3.5, length 100m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX253510]
APX253510 218 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 25*3.5, length 200m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX253520]
APX253520 218 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 32*4.4, length 50m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX324405]
APX324405 371 rub
СИНИКОН THERMOLINE Pipe PE-Xa EVOH, SDR7.4/S3.2, d - 32*4.4, length 100m, price for 1 m [Code number: APX324410]
APX324410 371 rub
SINIKON PROLINE РЕ-RT Pipe, type II, EVOH, SDR8/S3.5, d - 16*2.0, length 100 m, price for 1 m [Code number: PRT162010EII]
PRT162010EII 82 rub
SINIKON PROLINE РЕ-RT Pipe, type II, EVOH, SDR8/S3.5, d - 16*2.0, length 200 m, price for 1 m [Code number: PRT162020EII]
PRT162020EII 82 rub
SINIKON PROLINE РЕ-RT Pipe, type II, EVOH, SDR8/S3.5, d - 16*2.0, length 300 m, price for 1 m [Code number: PRT162030EII]
PRT162030EII 8 598 rub
SINIKON PROLINE РЕ-RT Pipe, type II, EVOH, SDR8/S3.5, d - 16*2.0, length 400 m, price for 1 m [Code number: PRT162040EII]
PRT162040EII 82 rub

Application purposes:

  • For cold and hot water supply systems
  • For heating

Material: Polyethylene of increased temperature resistance, there is an oxygen barrier EVOH layer.

The pipe complies with GOST 32415-2013.

Thermal expansion coefficient: 0.18 mm/m•K.

Thermal conductivity: 0.38 W/m•K.

Roughness: 0.007 mm.


  • long-term hydrostatic strength;
  • excellent flexibility;
  • working pressure from 2 to 10 bar.
Outside diameter Wall thickness Inside diameter Water volume Design pipe series Service class / Working pressure Length Weight
mm mm mm l/m   mm   g/m
16 2 12 0,113 S 3.5 1 / 1,0 МПа
2-4-5 / 0,8 МПа
400 90

Table of classes of operation of polymer pipelines PEX and PERT

See also