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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Fachmann Extension for drans 310, 510, 520 [Code number: 04.113]

Article: 04.113
Цена: 736 rub

FACHMANN extension cable for the 310, 510, 520 series ladders is an elastic polypropylene part used when it is necessary to build up the overhead components of sewer ladders.

It is in demand in cases of insufficient dimensions of the superstructure element from the set of an adjustable ladder when passing through an overlap. It is installed flush with the floor, has a vertical release direction.

The extension cable ensures effective disposal of contaminated wastewater from private and industrial consumers into the sewer. It helps to prevent the spread of unpleasant odors into the premises.

Technical specifications

Outer diameter Height Material
mm mm  
116 95,3 Polypropylene

For more details


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.0 SOsP, vertical, without trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.017]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.1 SOsP, horizontal ball-joint outlet, without trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.042]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.0 SOsP, horizontal, without trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.029]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.1 SNsP, horizontal, with non-freezing trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.032]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.0 SNsP, horizontal ball-joint outlet, with non-freezing trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.043]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.1 SOsP, vertical, without trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.018]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.1 SNsP, horizontal ball-joint outlet, with non-freezing trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.044]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.0 POsB, horizontal ball-joint outlet, without trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.045]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.0 SNsP, vertical, with non-freezing trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.019]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.1 POsB, horizontal ball-joint outlet, without trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.046]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.1 SNsP, vertical, with non-freezing trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.020]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.0 PNsB, horizontal ball-joint outlet, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.047]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.1 PNsB, horizontal ball-joint outlet, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.048]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.0 PNsG, horizontal, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.039]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.0 POsG, horizontal ball-joint outlet, without trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.049]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.1 PNsG, horizontal, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.040]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.0 SOsP, horizontal ball-joint outlet, without trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.041]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.1 POsG, horizontal ball-joint outlet, without trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.050]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.1 SHsP, vertical, with "wet" trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.054]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.0 SDsP, vertical, with "dry" trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.055]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.0 POsB, horizontal, without trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.033]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.1 POsB, horizontal, without trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.034]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.1 SDsP, vertical, with "dry" trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.056]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.0 PHsB, vertical, with "wet" trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.057]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.0 PNsG, horizontal ball-joint outlet, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.051]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.0 PNsB, horizontal, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.035]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 520.1 PNsG, horizontal ball-joint outlet, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 50 [Code number: 04.052]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.0 SHsP, vertical, with "wet" trap sael, stainless steel grating, plastic frame, 122x122 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.053]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.0 POsB, vertical, without trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.021]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.1 PNsB, horizontal, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.036]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.0 POsG, horizontal, without trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.037]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.1 POsB, vertical, without trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.022]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.0 PNsB, vertical, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.023]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 510.1 POsG, horizontal, without trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 40/50 [Code number: 04.038]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.1 PNsB, vertical, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, plastic frame, 145x145 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.024]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.0 POsG, vertical, without trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.025]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.1 POsG, vertical, without trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.026]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.0 PNsG, vertical, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.027]


Fachmann Drain adjustable T 310.1 PNsG, vertical, with non-freezing trap sael, cast iron grating, cast iron frame, 150x150 mm, DN - 50/75/110 [Code number: 04.028]

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