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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Hutterer & Lechner Cover "Standard", for gutter length 1600 mm, length 1500 mm [Code number: HL 050S/160]

Article: HL 050S/160
Цена: 28 678 rub

Cover HL 050S/160 "Standard" is used in shower rooms. It is suitable for trays HL 50 series. It is made of high quality stainless steel. The thickness of the tile with mastic should not exceed 16 mm.

Size, mm Material Load Weight
L H   kg gr
1500 2 - 16 stainless steel 300 1,238
Packaging data (PE-bag)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
0 0 0 1,25 0

For more details

HL 50F.0/160

Hutterer & Lechner Stainless steel shower gutter to be used in the surface with 2 drains, without cover, horizontal, length 1600 mm, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50F.0/160]

HL 50FF.0/160

Hutterer & Lechner Flat stainless steel shower channel to be mounted in the surface with 2 PP drains (h = 30 mm!), without cover (Q = 1,4 l/s), horizontal, length 1600 mm, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50FF.0/160]

HL 50WU.0/160

Hutterer & Lechner Flat stainless steel shower channel with removable siphon cartridge h = 24 mm, horizontal, length 1600 mm, without cover, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50WU.0/160]

HL 50WF.0/160

Hutterer & Lechner Flat stainless steel shower channel for installation near the wall with 2 PP drains (h = 30 mm)!, without cover, horizontal, length 1600 mm, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50WF.0/160]

HL 50W.0/160

Hutterer & Lechner Flat stainless steel shower channel for installation near the wall with 2 PP drains, without cover, horizontal, length 1600 mm, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50W.0/160]

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