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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Hutterer & Lechner cover "Design", length 1800 mm [Code number: HL 050D/190]

Article: HL 050D/190
Цена: 82 738 rub

Cover HL 050D/190 "Design" is designed for trays HL 50 series. The cover is made of high quality profiled stainless steel. For the installation of ceramic tiles - the height of the tile with mastic should not exceed 19 mm.

Size, mm Material Load Weight
L H   kg gr
1800 5 - 19 stainless steel
300 3,01
Packaging data (PE-bag)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
0 0 0 3,025 0

For more details

HL 50FU.0/190

Hutterer & Lechner Extremly flat stainless steel shower channel for installation in the surface incl. drain, fixing material and lot cover, but without cover, horizontal, Installation length 1900mm, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50FU.0/190]

HL 50F.0/190

Hutterer & Lechner Stainless steel shower gutter to be used in the surface with 2 PP drains, without cover, horizontal, length 1900 mm, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50F.0/190]

HL 50FF.0/190

Hutterer & Lechner Flat stainless steel shower channel to be mounted in the surface with 2 PP drains (h = 30 mm!), without cover (Q = 1,4 l/s), horizontal, length 1900 mm, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50FF.0/190]

HL 50W.0/190

Hutterer & Lechner Flat stainless steel shower channel for installation near the wall without cover (2 drains), horizontal, length 1900 mm, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50W.0/190]

HL 50WU.0/190

Hutterer & Lechner Extremly flat stainless steel shower channel for installation near the wall incl. drain, fixing material and lot cover, but without cover, horizontal, Installation length 1900mm, DN 50 [Code number: HL 50WU.0/190]

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