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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Hutterer & Lechner Floor drain body, adjustable 0-15° horizontal, with ball joint outlet DN50 [Code number: HL 52K]

Article: HL 52K
Цена: 54 123 rub

Floor drain body is made of polymer with sound disconnected adjusting screws, with fitting for grates, with fiber glass textile and removable sifon, with ball joint outlet DN50, adjustable 0-15° horizontal.

Diameter Capacity Load Weight
DN, mm l/s kg gr
50     3970
Material of spare parts
Gutter Drain Trap body
stainless steel
polypropylene polypropylene

For more details

HL 052.1-300x100

Hutterer & Lechner Stainless steel grate for HL52K, silk finished 300x100mm [Code number: HL 052.1-300x100]

HL 052.2-300x100

Hutterer & Lechner Stainless steel grate for HL52K, polished, 300x100mm [Code number: HL 052.2-300x100]

HL 052.3-300x100

Hutterer & Lechner Stainless steel grate for HL52K, satin black, 300x100mm [Code number: HL 052.3-300x100]

HL 052.4-300x100

Hutterer & Lechner Stainless steel grate for HL52K, aeruginous bronze, 300x100mm [Code number: HL 052.4-300x100]

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