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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Hutterer & Lechner Visible parts grey with grey glass-tile for HL 530 [Code number: HL 0530.GG]

Article: HL 0530.GG
Цена: 31 470 rub

Visible parts HL 0530.GG are designed for HL 530.0. The visible parts are painted grey and decorated with grey glass-tile. Size is 150х150 mm, product is made of ABS. Weight is 449 gr.

Size Material Weight
mm   gr
150х150 ABS 449

For more details

HL 530

Hutterer & Lechner Shower block 1200x256x115mm complete with drain DN50, horizontal outlet [Code number: HL 530]

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