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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Valtec water meters

Water meters are made of high quality materials and are durable and accurate. The meters are suitable for systems with temperatures from +5 to +90 °C and operating pressures up to 16 bar.

Main advantages:

  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • high accuracy;
  • universality;
  • excellent value for money and quality.

The meters are equipped with magnet protection. Pulse output models can transmit readings to a remote control room.

Photo Наименование Article Цена
(NO LONGER PRODUCED) - VALTEC Set of straight connector, d - 1/2" [Code number: C-FIT-04]
(NO LONGER PRODUCED) - VALTEC Set of straight connector, d - 3/4" [Code number: C-FIT-05]
VALTEC Universal water meter, for use in apartments, up to +90˚С, nominal water flow 1,5m3, length 110 mm, d - 1/2" (MINKOR) [Code number: MK-U 15]
MK-U 15
(ARTICLE REPLACED WITH VLF-15U-L.110) - VALTEC Universal water meter, for use in apartments, without union pipes, up to +90˚С, nominal water flow 1,5m3, length 110 mm, d - 1/2" [Code number: MK-U 15L]
MK-U 15L
VALTEC Universal water meter, for use in apartments, up to +90˚С, nominal water flow 1,5m3, length 110 mm, d - 1/2" [Code number: VLF-15U]
VLF-15U 1 754 rub
VALTEC Universal water meter, for use in apartments, pulse output ensures remote reading, up to +90˚С, nominal water flow 1,5m3, length 80 mm, d - 1/2" [Code number: VLF-15U-I]
VLF-15U-I 1 843 rub
VALTEC Universal water meter, for use in apartments, pulse output ensures remote reading, without union pipes, up to +90˚С, nominal water flow 1,5m3, length 80 mm, d - 1/2" [Code number: VLF-15U-IL]
VLF-15U-IL 1 558 rub
VALTEC Water meter universal, with pulse outlet, up to +90˚С, 1,5m3, 1/2", length 110 mm [Code number: VLF-15U-IL.110]
VLF-15U-IL.110 1 655 rub
(OUT OF PRODUCTION) - VALTEC Water meter is universal, apartment, with RS485, up to + 90 ,С, 1,5m3, 110 mm (PROTEI model), d - 1/2" [Code number: VLF-15U-IRS]
VALTEC Universal water meter, for use in apartments, without union pipes, up to +90˚С, nominal water flow 1,5m3, length 110 mm, d - 1/2" (Russia) [Code number: VLF-15U-L.110]
VLF-15U-L.110 1 405 rub
VALTEC Universal water meter, for use in apartments, without union pipes, up to +90˚С, nominal water flow 1,5m3, length 80 mm, d - 1/2" [Code number: VLF-15U-L.80]
VLF-15U-L.80 1 352 rub
(NO LONGER PRODUCED) - VALTEC Water meter univ, quart, LoRa, WITHOUT SUSPENSIONS, up to + 90 ^ С, 1.5m3, d - 1/2 ", 110 mm (PROTEI 15.LORA.0.0 model) [Code number: VLF-15U-LR]
(NO LONGER PRODUCED) - VALTEC Water univ, quarter, with M-Bus, WITHOUT STORAGE, up to + 90 ^ C, 1.5 m3, 1/2 ", 110 mm (model Proteus 15.MBUS.0.0) [Code number: VLF-15U-MBUS]
VALTEC Universal water meter, for use in apartments, up to +90˚С, nominal water flow 2,5m3, length 105 mm, d - 3/4" [Code number: VLF-20U]
VLF-20U 3 253 rub
VALTEC Universal water meter, quarts, with uninterrupted data transmission LoRa, up to + 90˚С, 1.5m3, d - 1/2 ", 110 mm [Code number: VLF-U-15-3.110.LW]
VLF-U-15-3.110.LW 3 802 rub
VALTEC Vodoch. univ, quart, SVEU, with before. data RS-485, up to +90^С, 1.5 m3, 1/2", 110 mm (without pipe nipple) [Code number: VLF-U-15-3.110.RS]
VLF-U-15-3.110.RS 3 057 rub
VALTEC Universal water meter, apartment, with M-BUS data transfer, up to +90^С, 1.5 m3, d - 1/2", 80 mm [Code number: VLF-U-15-3.80.MB]
VLF-U-15-3.80.MB 3 263 rub
VALTEC Universal water meter, d - 1/2", 110 mm, for apartment, wired RS-485 (protocol ModBus), up to +90^С, 1,5m3 (SVEU-1 model) [Code number: VLF-U-15C-4.110.RSM]
VLF-U-15C-4.110.RSM 4 374 rub
VALTEC Universal water meter, d - 1/2", 80 mm, for apartment, wired RS-485 (protocol ModBus), up to +90^С, 1,5m3 (SVEU-1 model) [Code number: VLF-U-15C-4.80.RSM]
VLF-U-15C-4.80.RSM 4 374 rub
VALTEC Universal water meter, apartment, with wireless LoRa data transmission, up to +90^С, d - 3/4", 130 mm (model SVEU-20-3.130.LW) [Code number: VLF-U-20-3.130.LW]
VLF-U-20-3.130.LW 4 968 rub

See also