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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Hutterer & Lechner Flat-roof drain DrainBox with bitumen membrane, vertical, DN125 [Code number: HL 63H/2]

Article: HL 63H/2
Цена: 27 549 rub

Flat-roof drain DrainBox HL 63H/2 is equipped with insulated drain body, bitumen membrane d 500 mm and domed grate d 180 mm. The flat-roof drain has vertical outlet DN125. The body and domed grate are made of polypropylene. It weighs 3615 grams. Capacity is 12,20 l/s. Telescoped outer-housing for precise adjustment to insulations from 100 - 160 mm.

Diameter Capacity Weight
DN, mm l/s gr
125 12,20 3615
Material of spare parts
Domed grate Body
polypropylene polypropylene, bitumen membrane
Packaging data (carton)
Height Width Depth Weight Volume
mm mm mm kg m3
385 385 385 4,62 0,057066625

Download data sheet: Flat-roof drain DrainBox HL 63H/2

Component parts
HL 062.1E

Hutterer & Lechner Domed plastic grate [Code number: HL 062.1E] (Russia)

HL 170

Hutterer & Lechner Flat grate, d 150mm [Code number: HL 170]

HL 63H/2-K

Hutterer & Lechner Flat-roof drain DrainBox with bitumen membrane, but without domed plastic grate, vertical, DN125 (price on request) [Code number: HL 63H/2-K]

For more details

HL 170

Hutterer & Lechner Flat grate, d 150mm [Code number: HL 170]

HL 175

Hutterer & Lechner Domed grate stainless steel [Code number: HL 175]


Hutterer & Lechner Socket connector for push-fit connections between cast iron and plastic pipes, DN110 [Code number: HL 9/1] (Russia)

HL 9/7

Hutterer & Lechner Socket connector for push-fit connections between cast iron and plastic pipes, DN75 [Code number: HL 9/7]

HL 9/7/1

Hutterer & Lechner Socket connector for push-fit connections between cast iron and plastic pipes, DN75/110 [Code number: HL 9/7/1]

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