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Office: M. Baumanskaya

Warehouse: Lenin Hills


Independent examination of PP pipes and fittings

Company "Inrusstrade" has conducted an independent examination of polypropylene pipes and fittings

Dear friends.

For your convenience in choosing a manufacturer, Company "Inrusstrade" has conducted an independent examination of polypropylene pipes and fittings for domestic sewage systems.

The examination was conducted by the Research Institute of Moscow Construction "NIIMosstroy".

Samples of manufacturing plants were provided: Ostendorf; RosTurPlast; Sinikon; POLITECH; DIGOR; POLITRON.

Examination was carried out on indicators: appearance; marking; geometrical dimensions; melt flow rate; Charpy impact strength; tightness of the joints.

Tests were performed according to the control methods specified in GOST 32414-2013.

The results of the examination:


Test results
Manufacturer   Melt flow rate Charpy impact strength Geometrical dimensions Marking Appearance Tightness
Ostendorf pipe Satisfy Satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
fittings Not satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
RosTurPlast pipe Not satisfy Not satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
fittings Not satisfy Not satisfy Not satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
Polytron pipe Not satisfy Not satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
fittings Not satisfy Not satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
Politek pipe Not satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
fittings Not satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
Digor pipe Not satisfy Not satisfy Not satisfy Not satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy
fittings Not satisfy Not satisfy Not satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
Sinikon pipe Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy
fittings Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy


You can study the full examination here.


With respect to you and your business, Company "Inrusstrade"