Operating zone - fire and technical planning and installation of pipes is carried out according to MLAR 03/2000.
Manual is valid for - a) engineering systems in the staircases, in rooms between the staircases and exits out, into the corridors / hallways / walkways in front of the outer walls of buildings. b) installation of engineering systems through certain walls and ceilings. a) maintaining the functioning of the wiring in case of fire
Types of buildings - residential, office and administrative buildings, agricultural buildings, buildings of low and medium altitude; a special type of building and use of hospitals, schools, kindergartens, homes for the elderly, high-rise buildings; industrial buildings and building complexes.
MLAR section 4 - carrying out of engineering systems through certain walls and ceilings.
Pipes can be laid through the walls and ceilings, fire resistance of which is required only under the condition of danger absence of fire and smoke transport, or in respect of these appropriate measures are taken. The pipes should be laid through fire-resistant protecting constructions R 90!
MLAR section 3 - pipe systems in corridors / hallways, staircases and rooms between them, as well as in areas of emergency exits.
3.3.1. Pipe systems, including insulation materials from non-flammable construction materials, including combustible sealing means and connections and with combustible coverings of the pipes up to 0.5 m thick, can be laid openy.
Pipe system PAM-GLOBAL® with PAM-GLOBAL® RAPID-S-W2 - connecting elements – meet the requirements of the paragraph 3.3.1.
Requirements for openly laid sewers:
The example of certified solution passes through the overlapping of system PAM-GLOBAL® S.
To perform the pipу laying PAM-GLOBAL® the application of section 4 MLAR means: to limit openings for lay to the technically correct size. The remaining openings cover with non-flammable construction materials, for example, cement mortar, concrete or mineral wool. Used mineral wool, according to MLAR, should have a melting point 1000°С and the density of not less than 90kg/m3. If you use only the cement mortar, then a bridge of sound waves transfers forms. In further laying the sewerage system of cast iron pipe PAM-GLOBAL® no restrictions exist. |
In the transition to plastic pipe V1/V2 laying sewer system is allowed only for fixed baffle (gypsum board at least 12.5 mm or masonry) and within the space of 300 mm above the finished floor mark. In the transition from vertical to horizontal upriser system it is required to use the iron disposal with a soothing site. |
The example of certified solution passes through the wall of PAM-GLOBAL® S.